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Tony Zhang

  • Born in Beijing, China. I have been interested in art since I was a child, especially in drawing cars. 

  • Every time I saw a car on the street, I opened up my imagination from its front to the tail of the car, as if every car was alive. When I picked up the pen every time, I imagine the picture of every car as it will appear as a human face. This is why I have always liked the design language of Mercedes-Benz because they always look happy. After I get older, what surprised me is that since I do not like the tutorial art class, I never attended any classes that relate to art. However, I gradually figured out the perspectives of a still object, beginning with the first point, then the second point, as if my eyes can be seen more rather than an object.

  • When I stepped into high school, I became more clear about my future direction. Become a car designer in the future who brings convenience and happiness to people. Therefore I chose Art Center College of Design and majored in transportation design. In my work, my main themes are about technology and exploration.

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